Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Does Water Have a Memory?

Someone once told me that "our brains are 90% water and therefore water has a memory, if we don't drink enough of it we will become forgetful"

This was some fitness "professional" so it is most likely rubbish. But if you think laterally about it, water from the sea does evaporate into the clouds, the rain falls from the clouds and runs off to rivers and therefore the water REMEMBERS its way back to the sea. I don't think that's what they meant though!

But what if water could hold memories? Could we bottle them? Maybe even sell them?

Following on from our Lecture on Tuesday I have spent sometime this week looking at surreal films, mostly Terry Gillingham, Particularly "The Imagimarium of Dr Parnassus". i watched it with the directors commentary on and learnt quite a lot about how to style a film. the film is based on a story that has been told since the dawn of time...

The Holy Grail?

There was mention of George Melies as an influence on this film, Melies is considered the pioneer of in camera special effects in the late 19th/early 20th century. Most famous is "Les Voyage dans la lune" (the one with the spaceship in the moons eye).

I particularly liked the "2D in a 3D world of Victorian pop up theatre aesthetic, this influence can also be seen in Gillinghams' Time Bandits and The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen.

Melies moon is also seen in surreal comedy The Mighty Boosh, this has lead me to the film Benny and the Bull, where 2D in a 3D setting is used to show the past and dreams. i will explore the water memory idea using this style.

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